Schmatz’s Weizen

Schmatz’s Weizen


ALC 5.6%

I pulled open my fridge today, to do a can review but I thought that I would continue doing the bottles. Plus I thought that I would pull out my no spill cup! I can’t quite remeber where I bought this. It might actually be a present from a friend, but where ever I got this. This week I will be reviewing Schmatz’s Weizen:

I don’t generally have a lot of weisen beer so I can’t compare the colour of the beer to others weisen beers, but it is a light golden colour. Not a pale as a pale ale but not as dark as some of the the golden ales I have tried. When I look at the carbonation of the beer there is quite a high bubble count. I was not expecting it to be that carbonated but looks can be deceiving.

When I take a sniff of the beer, I was smelling a sweet melon smell. It was quite pleasant to smell. In my first initial taste there was not a strong flavour, but I got some sweetness spreading over my tongue and traveling to the back of my throat. There was also a slight puckering of my cheeks with the ever so slightest taste of sourness coming through. As you drink more the sourness becomes more pronounced but it does not overpower the sweetness of the beer. They seem to work well together.

Personally I think this is a tasty beer. It’s not too sweet and not too sour. I would actually buy this beer again. I can see this one not as a summer drink but more as a winterish type beer. But let me know what you think. Am I right or wrong. let me know in the comments.

Remember to drink responsibly

Schmatz German beer co. -

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