Asahi Dry Zero

Asahi Dry Zero

Type: Can

ALC: 0.00%

It has been a very long time since my last review. I was in the process of moving overseas (which I successfully did) and then the global pandemic happened. But I have a side of my fridge full of different beers to review. Hopefully I won’t get lazy. Today I decided to review something I would not usually grab; A non alcoholic beer.


Asahi Zero Dry is Asahi’s number 1 non alcoholic beer. It has Asahi’s stereotypical high carbonation that we all know Asahi for. When it come to taste, all I can say is that this does not taste like a beer. Sure it’s malty and it tries to recreate what a beer should taste like but this does not taste like any beer I have had (and I have had over 200 different beers). Is it a bad taste? I don’t think so, its not good by any means but the taste is not all over bad. The colour from this beer is a very light golden colour. It does recreate the colour of a normal pale ale or golden ale fine. Would I personally grab this drink if I was not wanting to drink something alcoholic? Probably not. I would probably have something like a lemon, lime, and bitters. I can see the reason for this product being here, for example people of certain religions can not drink alcohol and in this scenario they could choose a non alcoholic beer. So for that reason I can see why but for me I would not grab this again.

Remember to always drink responsibly. 

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