



ALC: 5%

When I was in an international supermarket with a friend I saw this bottle and just could not pass up the opportunity. Today I am going to talk about the first legal hemp beer.

As this was mentioned above, Cannabia is a hemp based beer. Japan has a zero tolerance when it comes to drugs, so this would have to be legal to be sold here. The company claims that this beer has more hemp then hops in their beer, so when I first tasted the beer it has a mild flavour until it hit the back of my throat and that is where the bitterness of the hops came through. I don’t know what hemp tastes like so I can’t honestly say if I could taste the hemp. On a more scrutinised taste there is some sweetness that comes through at first and then strangely enough an umami flavour is vaguely present (maybe thats the hemp), then the hops kick in at the back of the throat.

The colour of the beer is this vibrant yellow colour. Which is something that I don’t usually see on a beer. The beer also is very low on carbonation. I did see some bubble on the first pour and a little after, but during the course of writing this review most of the carbonation has left the beer. Its not a bad thing but it is something to take note if you're a person who like a lot of carbonation in their beers.

In conclusion this is a nice beer to have, but not a beer to go searching for, (unless your like me and want to taste as many different beers as you can). Its not a beer that I have found in any chain supermarkets or bottle shops. If you walk by and spot it I would say give it a shot and see what you think of it yourself. If you want to give them a try you can order through their distributor from a link on their website

remember to drink responsibly

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