Beerheads Amber Ale

Beerheads Amber Ale


ALC: 5%

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Oh! La! Ho Brewery’s beerheads is a beer that I had never heard of before. I found it while inside a supermarket chain that I usually go to (Tokyū Store). I found this with one other beer of the same brand and I as I have never had it I naturally grabbed it and its counterpart. Today I am going to talk about Beerheads - Amber ale.

when it come to  the appearance of this beer; when I poured it, it was the deepest amber colour I have seen out of any amber ales I have had. It was almost the colour of a stout, there was no transparency in the beer.  There is little to no carbonation in this beer too. I can taste the carbonation, but it is not very present by just looking at the beer.

When it comes to taste. It definitely is a bitter beer. It does hit the back of my throat like a lot of bitterness in beer does but I also get it around the side of my tongue too. Thou the bitterness does disappear in you mouth quickly but does stick in the back of your throat. If I was to say that I taste anything sweet the closest I could taste was caramel. 

Personally, I am usually a fan of amber ales, but this one I am not too fond of. I don’t regret trying this beer. I rarely regret tasting a beer. Tho this beer does not excite me. Its just too bitter for my tastes. By all means grab this beer and try it if you see it. Let me know what you think, but I would not grab another can.

If you want to check out their website you can check it out here: (the website is in Japanese)

Remember to drink responsibly.



