Elvis Juice

Elvis Juice


ALC 6.5%

(this was written in 10/2021)

Sorry for the long break fist it was quarantine issues, then work issues, then relationship issues. so I had to take a break to work it all out, but I am back and to start back is with a well known brand in Japan, Brewdog. this week I am reviewing Elvis Juice

When I have a look at this beer it does have an apple juice appearance, but maybe just a little more golden. it also have some orange hues in the colour too. there is a normal amount of carbonation coming from the beer. nothing really much to talk about its just… normal.

I interested with the taste because it apparently is infused with grapefruit. When I take a sniff I get a sweet malty smell. the taste is also malty. there is some sourness that hits the back of my throat. there is a little sweetness that his the middle of my tongue. but the primary flavour I am getting from this is malt. but I am not getting any taste of the grapefruit because I like that taste of grapefruit.

tho be honest I was a little disappointed with this beer. It was just too malty for my liking and there was no grapefruit taste. Its not a bad beer. I have had much worse. This was just not too my liking. What do you think.  am I right or wrong. would you like to try this beer? let me know in the comments below.

Remember to drink responsibly

Brewdog’s website - https://www.brewdog.com/uk/

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