Royal Haze

Royal Haze


ALC 5.8%

I am finally out of lockdown and with that my sister has taken me to a bar to have a drink as a celebration. Here I can choose a lot of different micro breweries from my state. As I like a good hazy IPA I decided to review this week: Royal Haze by Beer farm.

Firstly this is a very hazy beer, it is basically opaque. I can not see though the beer at all. It does have a very light colour to it, like a bright yellow. So I am curious how it actually tastes. Will it be light in flavour or strong. I also noticed that no hint of bubbles coming from this beer. Meaning that this beer has a very low carbonation.

When I take a smell I do get a sent of citrus rising from it. Taking my first initial sip I get a very strong citrus flavour and a grapefruit peel bitter after taste. When I took a mini sip all I was getting was the grapefruit bitterness. So this is a beer the take normal sips. Don’t nurse this beer. It is also quite a juicy beer as well.

I first thought I was not going to like this beer, but the more I drank it the more I liked it. There are lots of different citrus flavours and I would highly recommend giving it a try. Well what do you think? Have you tried it? Am I right or wrong? Let me know in the comments


Remember to drink responsibly

Beer farm website:

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Elvis Juice

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