Fresh Hop IPA

Fresh Hop IPA


ALC 4.5%

I konw I know! it’s been a really long time since I have uploaded a review. Which is not good the the goal I set. But with multiple colds and friends leaving and such. I was tired and was lacking energy. I am still all those things (like a new cold YAY) but here I am pushing through. This week I am reviewing Fresh Hop IPA from Kumazawa Brewing Co.

When I take a look at this beer it seems to be a very light coloured beer. Close to those pales ales that you see. There is not a lot of complexity to the colour of the beer. It is just an overall simple pale yellow colour. Now with the carbonation that a little more interesting. I would say it’s quite high. The beer has been sitting here for a few minutes as I type up this review and there are still a lot of bubble coming from the beer and quite big ones too. I would say it is very close to our heavily carbonated Asahi beer.

As I take my first initial smell of the beer I was getting a lot of hops (not surprising being an IPA), and some malt as well. As I take a second smell the profile does not change so it a very simple smell. As I took my first sip I found myself taking notice. None of the flavour stood out. It was just a nice mix of flavours. you get the slight bitterness of the hops and there is an ever so slight sweetness the sort of make it’s self just known. it is just an overall clean taste.

Frankly I would have this beer again. It was an enjoyable one to drink. it’s refreshing and hoppy, a perfect summer drink. It’s just a shame that the place I got it from is 2 hours away from me. Otherwise I would have it again. If you ever see it I would say give it a drink and let me know what your thoughts are.

Remember to drink responsibly

Kumazawa Brewing Co. -

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