Tsukiakari amber larger

Tsukiakari amber larger


ALC 5.0%

This is another 7/11 find at the convenience store that is just down the road from me. I was looking for another beer to review, and I found this beer on the shelves in the craft beers section. I also decided to use the massive glass that I got for my birthday this year, and even though I went with the bigger beer can option, it still didn’t fill half the glass. But without much further ado, I will review Tsukiakari Amber Larger by Cocoro Craft this week.

When I first look at this beer, it definitely has an amber look. When I first looked at it during the pour, I thought it looked like a lighter-coloured cola or a Kola beer soft drink (if you don’t know, search for Kirks Kola beer). The colour hardly changes even when I hold it up to the light. When I look at the beer, there are almost no signs of carbonation. I am a little surprised at how low the carbonation of this drink is.

When I took my first sniff (shoving my whole face in the glass), I got a very sweet smell coming from the beer. I can place the sweet aroma, but I am also getting a malt smell coming through as well. With my first sip, I got a very smooth with a slightly sweet taste. After taking more sips of the beer, the malt started to come through. But it’s mainly just a smooth, somewhat watery drink.

Personally, I liked this beer. I have always liked amber ales, so I am not surprised that I ended up liking This one. The only thing is that it is a little on the expensive side. So, I would not buy this beer quickly. But If you like amber ales, I would definitely try this one. But what do you think? Have you tried this beer before? Did you like it or hate it? Let me know in the comment section below.

Remember to drink responsibly.

Cocoro craft (Sapporo) - https://www.sapporobeer.jp/product/beer/cocoro-craft_tsukiakari_amber_lager/

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