Duchesse De Bourgogne

Duchesse De Bourgogne


ALC 5.0%

I bought this beer specifically because I had it before. That time it surprised me, but I didn't review it. This time I would not pass up the chance to review this beer. So here we are this week: I am reviewing: Duchesse De Bourgogne by Brouwerij Verhaeghe.

When I look at the beer, it seems very dark. When I hold it up to the light, I get this dark brown to black colour. There is absolutely no transparency in the beer. There is no getting around this. This is a dark beer. When I look for carbonation, I can’t find any visually. There was enough to produce a head, but the head faded quickly. When I look for carbonation, I see a small amount, but you really have to look for it.

Now this is a strange smelling beer. I have not even put my nose towards the beer, and I was already getting a strong smell of cherry or a sherry-like smell. When I put my nose close to the beer, I was getting a powerful wine smell. It’s not that hard to believe, as this beer is aged in wine barrels. When I take a sip, it’s an entirely different experience. I get sweet fruity, and sour all at once. As I take a second sip, the predominant flavours are sweet and sour. The sweet is in the middle of the tongue, and the sour puckers the cheeks. You may think they would work against each other, but they actually pair quite well together. The sourness seems to win the flavour war as you take more sips.

I am quite partial to sour drinks, so I really like this drink. When I first bought this, I thought it was going to be a stout. Even by its appearance, it looks like a stout, but when I tasted it, I was surprised by the flavours. If you like sour beers, I would say give this one a try. If you don’t, I would say to stay away. But tell me what you think about this beer in the comments below.

Remember to drink responsibly.

Brouwerij Verhaeghe - www.brouwerijverhaeghe.be/

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