Melon Ale

Melon Ale


ALC 5.0%

Well, it’s time for round two. Last week I reviewed the Hascap Ale from the same company. Like before, the beer was bought from the 7/11 close to me. But I am not going to keep you any longer. this weeK I am reviewing: Melon Ale by Hokkaido Brewing.

When I look at this beer I was sad to see that it was orange. Most melon flavoured drinks in Japan are green and I was hoping for the same but alas. I was surprised that the beer was very opaque. I was thinking at least you would be able to see my hand on the other side but not at all. The orange colour is quite pronounced. it’s not a super deep orange but just enough to make me think it was made artificially coloured. There was not a huge amount of bubbles like last week’s review. it’s just the normal amount of carbonation from most beers

When I took my first initial smell I was getting an aroma of rock melon (cantaloupe). It’s quite a pleasant smell. It was not complex just a simple melon smell. When i took my first sip I got a strong taste of melon but also that slight bitterness that had with the drink last week. As I take more sips it is quite sweet and while the bitterness is not increasing. It still remains as an aftertaste.

I have to say I preferred this week over the Hascap Ale from last week. The bitterness took a backseat here. So I enjoyed (for the most part) this beer. It still is not one that I would go for again. But it’s not one that I would recommend to try once. During summer give this beer a try and see what you taste and let me know in the comments down below.

Remember to drink responsibly

Hokkaido brewing -

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