Hascap Ale

Hascap Ale


ALC 5.0%

Again I was in my local 7/11 when I saw two interesting beers: A melon Beer and a Hascap Beer. Intrigued, I picked both of them up to try and see how fruity they were. So this week, I am trying the “Hascap Ale” by Hokkaido Brewing.

When I looked at the beer on my table, it looked like a deep pink colour, but when I held it up to the light, it became a very vibrant pink colour. In the right light, this would be a very pretty beer. I would have to say, apart from the Hoegaarden Rosèe, this is the second pink beer I have ever seen. No,w with the carbonation, that is a bit of a letdown. When I popped the top (it was a pull-top cap), the beer started to froth out and overflow the bottle. I was expecting it to be a really carbonated beer, but once I poured it out it the carbonation dissipated. It’s still there, but not just an ordinary amount of carbonation you see in a beer.

When I took my initial sniffs of the beer I was getting a fruity smell, like a berry smell which is not surprising as hascap is a berry. It is quite a strong smell too. When I took my first sip, I got hit strongly by the berry taste, then a slightly bitter aftertaste that lingers on the tongue. As I take more sips, the bitter taste moved to the back of my throat, and it gets stronger the more you drink. it’s disappointing because it’s a major player in the taste of this beer. I am all for bitter beers, but not when they are paired with a sweet fruit.

Overall I had slightly high hope for this beer but the bitterness does take up a lot of the flavour profile, which I think ruins the beer. It’s not undrinkable, but it definitely nocks some marks off the final score. I still say give it a try once and see if you can handle it. But what do you think? Am I right, or am I wrong? Let me know in the comment section below.

Remember to drink responsibly

Hokkaido brewing - https://www.hokkaidobrewingusa.com/fruit-beer

Melon Ale

Melon Ale

