


ALC 4.5%

7/11 was doing a Korean produce celebration about 2 weeks ago. Which included food and yes beer. While I was planning to do the review two weeks ago, I got struck down with an out-of-season flu which took me out of commission. But I am back and ready to do the review so this week I will be reviewing: Terra by HiteJinro

When I look at this beer, it has a very orange look to it. Even when I hold it up to the light the colour does not change that much. This being a pale larger it makes sense of the colour, and it also makes sense that it is very transparent I can see everything through the glass. When it comes to the carbonation, there is not much going on here. When I initially poured the beer I got a nice head but as that disappeared all the carbonation disappeared too. It actually looks flat. As I pour more in the bubbles appear then quickly disappear.

Pouring of the Terra beer

When I took my first initial sniff, I got a very malty smell. It’s not surprising as it says it is a beer made by pure AG Malt. Though that’s all I am getting from the smell nothing else is coming through. When I took a sip, I did get a lot of that malty taste, but it was not overpowering. It is actually quite a smooth beer with a hint of sweetness. I think the lack of carbonation helps this beer with its taste. Otherwise, I think the sweetness would be gone with only the malty taste remaining.

Honestly, this was an okay beer. There was nothing wrong with this beer, and it’s a beer that you can drink with ease. But there is nothing that really commands you to take notice of this beer. It was not that expensive at ¥200, so if it were being sold here regularly, I would pick it up again. Sadly the promotion ended, and I can no longer find it. But tell me what you think. Would you give it a try? or have you tried it? Let me know in the comment section below.

Remember to drink responsibly.

HiteJinro - https://en.hitejinro.com/

Hascap Ale

Hascap Ale

