


ALC 4.7%

I walked into a random store today and found an international beer section, and of course, I had to look at it. From there, I found a very familiar beer that a lot of Australians would know. Bintang is a beer brewed in Bali, and Bali is a very popular tourist destination for Australians. So I have tried this before but not for a few years. So this week, I am trying Bintang by Multi Bintang Indonesia (owned by Heineken)

Bintang is fairly light in its colour. Not as much as a pale ale, but pretty close. When I hold the beer up to the light, there is a light golden colour. With the carbonation of this beer, I would say it is quite carbonated. Even as I write this, I am still seeing the occasional big bubble with lots of little bubbles. I would say this even rivals Asahi with how carbonated it is.

When I took a couple of sniffs, I was getting quite a malty smell. With a slightly spicy or herby quality to it. When I took my initial sip, I was not quite sure what I was tasting, but after a few more sips, I was getting an ever so slight hint of sweetness, but this is not a sweet beer. I would say that the main flavour is the hops. It is very hops forward, but that does not make it a bitter beer. I would say hops with a crisp aftertaste and a hint of sweetness.

Overall this is a good beer and one that I think you should definitely try once. It is really made for the hot weather of Bali and Indonesia, so try it when it is coming into summer. It’s honestly an inoffensive beer, and if it were not so expensive in Japan, I would be buying it more often. But tell me, what do you think? Am I right or wrong? Let me know in the comment section below.

Remember to drink responsibly.

Multi Bintang Indonesia -



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