Iwate Kura -きんくら

Iwate Kura -きんくら


ALC 5.0%

I found this beer while shopping at my local supermarket. I had not seen this beer before, so naturally I had to take this beer to review. this week I am reviewing Iwate Kura -きんくら


firstly when I have a look at the colour of this beer, it give me really dark golden colour. it was weir because when I was pouring this beer it seemed to be light in colour but as it settled it became darker. there was also a lot of bubble when I first poured the beer, but as I type this this slowed down immensely. there are still a fir count of bubble though, I would say slightly higher then the average.

The smell of the beer is quite sweet. I actually like the smell of this beer. When i tasted this beer is did not really get any sweet notes. I got quite a hoppy flavour coming from this drink, but as I drink this more and more the sweet not are hitting the back of my throat. Its quite bizarre because usually it is the other way around. as it starts to sit in the cup longer the hoppy notes seem to mellow out. I get an ever slight not of sources when I swish the beer in my mouth too.

I have to say this is a very interesting beer to me. Sweet, sour, and hoppy all in one beer. I actually like this beer I found it an enjoyable beer to drink. unlike other beers I review where I pour because I just can’t finish it. I think is is a beer I will happy finish. If you have tried this beer before tell me what you think. This is not a seasonal beer so you can still pick it up at the Toku Supermarket.

Remember to drink responsibly

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