Lion stout

Lion stout


ALC 8.8%

I found this beer when I was wandering around a shop called Kaldi. I don’t usually drink stouts, but I had not tried one in a while. So I picked it up to do a review on it. So this week, I am reviewing Lion stout from Lion Breweries Ceylon.

When I first poured this drink, it was a very dark brown colour. When you hold it up to the light, you see some elements of burgundy coming through. of course, with it being a stout, there is no carbonation, but I was able to pour a good head on this beer (which I am not good at doing).


When I take an initial sniff of the beer, I can smell some spices coming through, and those spices come through with the initial sip. It’s not spicy in its taste, but there are some spices that dance across the lounge with a slight bitterness, with a subtle coffee aftertaste. There is a slight hint of sweetness that comes through, but you can hardly notice it.

That was a wild ride, with the bitterness, the spices and the coffee aftertaste. Its a really interesting beer, but it is one that you have to pay attention too. I don’t see this as a beer that you grab while talking to a couple of mates, which is not a bad thing, though you do have to be in the mood to have this type of beer. What do you think? Is this a good beer? Would you try this beer? Let me know what you think.

Remember to drink responsibly

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