Lemon Beer La Gallega

Lemon Beer La Gallega


ALC 4.0%

So I am not entirely sure where I got this beer but I believe that I got this beer in a Kaldi Store but I am not 100% sure, so sorry there is no back story. This week I am reviewing Hijos de Rivera’s Lemon beer La Gallega. (i just learnt that this beer has been discontinued )


So first off the look. when i was poring it into the glass that colour of the beer looked quite light but when it sits in the glass it has a darker golden colour which I was not expecting. With a name like lemon beer I was expecting it to be… well more like I see in the soft drinks that you buy. The carbonation of the beer is about normal amount that I have seen of any beers so there is not much to report.

When I comes to taste I am looking forward to this as it has lemon juice in it and I Like lemon juice. The taste is a little strange actually. It’s not a bad taste but not an all out good taste. I can defiantly taste the lemon in the beer. It hit the sides of my tongue and more pronounce in the back of my throat. It’s not the inclusion of the lemon that I believe give it a weird taste. I think its that the beer does not really taste very much like a beer. again its not a bad taste (its actually growing on me) but to me it just does not feel much like a beer. there is no bitterness, which I guess you would expect from a beer like this. Its’ also quite sweet which is a little disappointing because when I have lemon I prefer tangy over sweet.

In conclusion I think that this is an interesting beer. I definitely was not expecting that taste but I can not say that I hate it. If you spot it I would say give it a try and see what you think and let me know.

Remember to drink responsibly

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