Orge Black

Orge Black


ALC 5.0%

This was the second can of Orge that I am going to try. I got this one at the same time from Don Quijote that is only a couple of stop away from my house. Lets see if this beer is better or worse then the one I tried before (insert link here). This week I try Orge Black


When I first poured this beer, it really did earn its name of black. It is really black with only hints of brown. It is really dark and not transparent at all. I thought for a moment that this would be a stout but is actually classified as a Happoshu. I can see some carbonation but not a lot, so if you are a fan of low carbonation beer, this might be one for you.

As I went to tast this beer I got a big smell of malt. It’s not surprising as that's part of their marketing on the can. When I actually tasted it the first thing I noticed was how watery it was. From how black it was I was expecting a stronger taste. Subtle testes are not bad but I was a little let down about the taste. This is not a very bitter beer. I only got a little bit that hit the back of my throat, I did not get any around my tongue or mouth and honestly there is not much I can say about the taste. its there but there is just not much there.

In conclusion while the look of the beer is cool. The lack of any really flavour disappointed me. Honestly I would say give this one a miss. There are better tasting beers out there, but if you want to see what is like for yourself then by all means purchase one. If you think I am wrong let me know in the comment Section.

Remember to drink responsibly

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