Spring Valley

Spring Valley


ALC 6.0%

I have been wanting to use this beer glass for a while, but obviously, I had to wait for my review of the beer on which the beer’s name has been imprinted. I got it when I bought a six-pack of this beer, but without further ado. This week I am reviewing Spring Valley by Kirin

When I had a look at this beer, it has a darker golden colour to it. It seems to me that it is like the colour of honey, with ever so slight brown notes. This is a very low-carbonated beer, and unless I am specifically looking for the bubbles, you will not be able to see them. Which did surprise me because I thought there would be more.

When I took a sniff of this beer, I smelt something slightly sweet and citrusy, but I could not pinpoint it. I had to have a friend smell, and he pointed out that it was the smell of Yuzu, a citrus plant from Japan and I totally agree with him.

In my first initial taste, the taste was a bit watery. Watery with some bitterness that hits the back of your throat. As I take more sips there is a slight sweetness that hits the middle of my tongue. This is not a sweet beer, But it does sway more towards the sweet side than the bitter side. Plus, the bitterness does not really grow in the back of your throat. It’s just there.

overall this is an inoffensive beer. It says it’s a craft beer. I don’t know how much of that is true when it is produced by the macro beer company Kirin. But if we do class it as a craft beer, then there are many better and more interesting craft beers out there. Thought I would and have grabbed this again. Tell me what you think. Have you tried this beer? What do you think let me know in the comments below.

Remember to drink responsibly

Spring Valley website - https://www.springvalleybrewery.jp/en/

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