琥珀の秋 (Amber Autumn) (2020)

琥珀の秋 (Amber Autumn) (2020)

NB - My internet is playing up so no images till I can get that fixed


ALC 6.0%

This is another one of those seasonal beers, and another autumn (fall) beer, by the motifs of red leaves. So why not drink it in winter and with Christmas the very next week. This week I am reviewing Suntory’s Rich Malt 琥珀の秋 (2020)

When I have a look at this beer. I can see a golden brown colour with hints of red. It is quite a curious colour and I have not seen many beers with that colour gambit. I would also have to say the the carbonation of this beer it quite high. Still nothing as high as Asahi beers (I have not seen a beer yet that can beat Asahi).

Smelling the beer I am getting quite a rich malty smell. That smell continues into the taste with a rich malty taste (the beer live up to the brand name of rich malt). There is definitely some bitterness that comes through. It’s not powerful but you definitely know it is there. There is also a tiny subtle sweet taste that hits that back of my throat. The problem with this beer is that I find the malty taste drowns out a lot of different notes that could be in the beer.

In conclusion. this is a drinkable beer but because of the strong malty taste, this becomes a single note beer. There is nothing wrong with that if that is what you are looking from, but I like a little extra depth to my beers. though for a one time season beer I will give it a pass. if you tried this beer tell me what you think in the comment section below.

p.s. I wish you all a happy holidays and enjoy any celebrations you have secular or religious.

Remember to drink responsibly

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