秋味 (autumn taste)

秋味 (autumn taste)


ALC: 6%

This beer by Kirin definitely evokes autumn (fall for the Americans out there) with all the leaves of different colours on the can, and as we have officially moved in to autumn what a good time to do a review this week of Kinrin’s 秋味 beer. Which translates into autumn taste.


First off lets look at the colour. It has a gold colour but it gets a little diluted as the yellow does force it’s self to show a bit. When it comes to carbonation, I would say that there is a moderate amount. So if you are not a fan or carbonation I would say this is a beer for you. tho it is more pronounced on the tongue when you take a sip.

For the taste, when I taste this beer I actually am actually getting some spices coming through. Which is weird because when I think of autumn, I do not think of spices. I would not say that this is a strong tasting beer from my personal point of vie. As with other beers I usually get a bitterness that hits the back of my throat but I do not seem to get that taste here. Sure there is a little bit of bitterness but not enough to make you pay attention to it.

In conclusion as this is a seasonal beer, you will find a tough time finding it soon. It is an inoffensive beer and for this I could drink it again, but this beer just does not excite me. So I will not be buying this beer again. If you have the time to grab this beer before it’s seasonal run ends, let me know what you think.

Remember to drink responsibly

Kirin 秋味 website: https://www.kirin.co.jp/products/beer/akiaji/ (in japanese)

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