Matcha beer

Matcha beer



This is Just a mini review this week.

So my friend asked me if I had ever been to “Hammerhead”. Not knowing what Hammerhead was I said no. Hammerhead is a tiny mall in Yokohama. Inside the mall there is a matcha shop which sells matcha beer. Which is the beer I will review this week.

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First off looks. What can I say? It is a very green. A vibrant rich green. With small frothy head. But also highly carbonated. I can taste the carbonation quite a lot in this beer.

When I drink it I don’t get a lot of matcha flavour in the beer though there is a little earthiness in the taste. There is not much bitterness in this beer too but I would not say it is sweet. Overall it’s actually just a pleasant beer that I would drink again. I would have to specifically be in the mood for it.

If you have time to come to hammerhead in yokohama, I would say definitely give it a taste and tell me what you think.

Hammerhead website:

Remember to drink responsibly

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