Peanut Butter Milk Stout

Peanut Butter Milk Stout


ALC 5.30%

As I went to Hammerhead the other day (same day I had the “Matcha Beer”), my friend wanted to grab a water while we waited for our friend to arrive. So we walked into the 7/11 nearby. Apart from the normal convenience items that you get in a japanese コンビニ there was a section with a whole load of imported beers, and you know I had to check them out. as we were looking at the different beers. My friend pointed out this Peanut Butter Milk Stout by Belching Beaver Breweries, which is the beer that I will be reviewing this week.


First off the thing that caught my eye with the pour is how dark this stout is. It almost seems black. Like any typical stout it is not transparent at all. It actually kind of reminds me of Guinness, which is not surprising as that is another stout (and will review it when I can find it on tap). The smell actually does have a peanut butter scent to it.

when I have a sip of the beer I can actually taste peanuts in the stout. I really thought this was going to be a gimmicky stout, but the peanut taste actually works well with the flavous of the stout. So I was actually surprised how the flavours actually mixed together. Making it a peanut butter stout and not just a peanut stout means that it can have some sweetness, and this beer is sweet. It is not an overpowering sweetness just that it sought of lingers on the pallet. Because of the sweetness and a little of the milk flavour of the stout the bitterness is reduced quite a lot. I feel a hint of it at the back of my throat but that is about it.


Honestly I can say that this is a surprisingly good beer. I am not usually a stout person but I would happily drink this beer again. If you see this beer and you like peanuts then I would say defiantly give it a shot. I will be keeping an eye out for the belching beaver brewery to see what their other beers are like.

Remember to drink responsibly

Orge White

Orge White

Matcha beer

Matcha beer