Orge White

Orge White


ALC 5.0%

I found this beer when I was out buying some things for people and for work at a Don Quijote (to be specific a mega Don). As I have never seen this beer before you know that I had to buy it to review. This week I will be reviewing the Orge White.

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So firstly the appearance of this beer is that the colour of this beer is a bit dull. I don’t see any vibrancy in the colour of the beer. I am not saying that the beer is bad because of the colour, but you won’t be seeing many Instagram photos of this beer. When it come to carbonation. There is not much I can say about it. It has the normal carbonation of most beers. Though I was able to pour it with a good head.

When it come to taste of the beer when I tried it I could not get much of a taste from the beer. There were some fruity notes but they were just barely there. I did get some citrus notes that hit the back of my throat. I was actually disappointed by the taste because the can boasts a “fruity and smooth taste”. While it is a smooth beer with almost no bitterness. The fruity notes are just not that strong at all.

In conclusion. I am not a fan of this beer. Its just too bland for my tastes. So this is not something that I will buy again, but tell me what you think. is this a beer that I should give a second chance? let me know.

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