Brooklyn Sorachi Ace

Brooklyn Sorachi Ace


ALC 7.0%

I constantly saw this beer being sold in my local supermarket for months. It was a good thing when I finally remembered to buy the beer, because two weeks later the supermarket stopped supplying it. Brooklyn Brewery is one of the few international brands that you can find in any supermarket in Japan. Though I have never seen this specific beer at any other place then the Tokyu supermarket but without further delay this week I am reviewing: Brooklyn Sorachi Ace by Brooklyn Brewery.

When I take a look at the beer and hold it up to a light it is quite a yellow beer. It has a hint of gold that comes through, but the yellow colour is quite pronounced. Now on the carbonation side, there is not much happening. when I poured the beer there were quite a few bubbles but they quickly disappeared. Now its just the normal carbonation amount.

When I took an initial sniff of the beer, I got a very malty aroma. It took me a while but there is also a lesser sent of caramel. When I took my first sip it was a little bitter, but not an IPA bitterness. The bitterness is more present at the back of the throat. There is a little sweetness, not a lot but it is there on the cheeks, and lastly a little touch of herbal spiciness in the after taste. The main flavour is that of a typical ale.

I was a little dissapointed with this beer. There was just nothing really special that stood out. This is not a bad beer in-fact I would say it is a good. I just think that you are better off just getting a normal Brooklyn beer, but let me know as always what your thoughts are in the comment section down below.

Remember to drink responsibly

Brooklyn Brewery -

Öl Ljus Larger

Öl Ljus Larger

Tokyo IPA

Tokyo IPA