Tokyo IPA

Tokyo IPA


ALC 6.0%

This is a company and a beer I have had before, but it has been so long that I can’t really remember the taste. If you go to any higher-class izakaya (than your local one down the road) in Tokyo, you will probably find this brand on tap. Without stalling this week, I am reviewing Far Yeast’s Tokyo IPA.

When I look at this beer, it’s a fairly opaque beer. Not as opaque as a Hazy IPA, but I feel that it is close to it. The colour is like a golden bronze colour. It’s close, but at the same time, it’s just not that close to a golden ale. When I poured the beer, it seemed that it was highly carbonated at first, but the bubbles disappeared quickly, and the carbonation seemed non-present. I just hope it does not taste flat.

When I took a smell, I was smelling a malty, hoppy smell that I actually found quite pleasant. When I took a sip, I got a fair amount of bitterness and hoppiness coming through. It’s not surprising after reading the description with it promoting its bitterness. I am getting a little note of a floral taste, but it’s hardly even noticeable because the bitterness overpowers everything.

Personally, this was not my most favoured beer. It’s really bitter and hoppy, which is the flavour profile of an IPA but was not for me. You might like this if you are okay if bitter beers. I can see it being Drunk on a warm day. And as always, it’s better when it’s from the tap. While this is bitter, I do think I would get this again when I would be in the mood. But let me know what you think. Am I right or wrong about my review? Let me know in the comments down below.

Remember to drink responsibly.

Far Yeast Brewing Company -

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