Öl Ljus Larger

Öl Ljus Larger


ALC 4.7%

This is a weird beer without even having even tried it. I never knew that Ikea sold beer, but when I was checking out the new Ikea in Shibuya, I saw the beer being sold. I didn’t buy it at the time, but you know I had to go back to get a bottle to review. This week I am reviewing ÖL Ljus Larger from Ikea.

When I look at this beer, it has an orange colour with a slight brown hue to it. It’s darker than I thought it would be. When I look at the carbonation, I have seen a few big bubbles but not that many. After it settled down, it seemed to become an average amount of carbonation that you would find in most beers.

When I took a smell, I had a sweet malty smell. I was getting a slight smell of orange too. When I took some sips, I was getting a sweet taste. It’s not like a sour beer sweetness or a hazy IPA-style sweetness. It has a very “beer” taste, and I don’t know how to say it, but it’s a very generic taste with an underlying sweet taste. There is a slight bitterness that hits the back of my throat. Other than those two features, there is not much to talk about

This beer was an interesting find, and it’s a decent beer. Though there is not a lot going on with it. It’s a beer I would drink again, but not for the prices they sell at Ikea. It’s not a bad price, but they only sell them as single bottles, which does push up the price. Have you tried this beer? Did you even know it existed? Let me know in the comments down below.

Remember to drink responsibly.

Ikea website - https://www.ikea.com/us/en/



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