


ALC 8.0%

I am back after a very long delay. I had moved house and did not have any internet access for over a month. Now that I have access again I am back. This is a very cute beer that I picked up when I was in Hammerhead in Yokohama. As Velntines day is today why not review a beer clad in pink and hearts. This week I am reviewing Condyland by Hop Nation Brewing Co.

When I look at this beer is had a deep orange colour. I guess deep colours are to be expected from a Hazy beer, and yes it is very hazy. You can still see theough it, it is semi transparent. It is nothing like a stout which is totally non transparent but is on the more hazy side of the hazy beers I have tasted. It is quite carbonated too I was not expecting that. It could rival Asahi in its carbonation.

When I took a few sniffs I got a smell of lychee and melon. Which is bizarre as it is a milkshake hazy so I was expecting some more of a milkshake smell. I know that are not really like a milkshake but it does subvert my mind when I read milkshake. When I took a sip, the first thing that hit me was the acidic taste. That was quite a lot of sourness that was hitting the side of my tongue. There is also a sweetness that fills the rest of the mouth. They do claim that there is cherry in the flavour profile and I guess you can taste it, but I would not have tasted it unless I read the flavour profile. The one thing I do not like is that there is this strong sour aftertaste. 

Overall this is a nice beer. I would have this again but I would need to to be careful as this is a strong beer. So maybe have it once and then move onto the lower strength beers. But I can defiantly see this as a summer beer. Am I right or am I wrong. let me know.

Remember to drink responsibly

Hop Nation Brewing Co. -

The Cat's Meow

The Cat's Meow

Öl Ljus Larger

Öl Ljus Larger