The Cat's Meow

The Cat's Meow


ALC 6.5%

I remeber getting this from a special shop when I was buying some craft beer for a friend for her birthday. I didn’t buy this for any other reason then just that I like the name. I am very much a cat person so this tickled me. But without much delay this week I am reviewing* The Cat’s Meow by Exhibit A Brewing Company

Now when I first took a look at the colour of this beer, it’s like a milky orange colour. Sorry if that sounds gross, but that is honestly what I see when I look at it. It is a much lighter colour orange, than what it looks like in the photos. It’s also strangely quite hazy. I was not expecting it to be this hazy. It’s not totally opaque, but it is almost close to being completely opaque. When I first poured the beer, there were quite a lot of bubbles. But now that it has quietened down. There is not many bubble activity to speak of. Not even the little bubble that you Sometimes see running up the side of a cup.

When I took quite a lot of sniffs, I didn’t hardly smell anything. I tried over and over, and I only just got a slight hint of sweet malt, and that was about it. Tasting, it is a completely different breed. It is very hoppy but not to the extent that it is bitter; it just tastes very hoppy and earthy. There is just a slight bitter aftertaste, but it’s not too strong to make it unpleasant. But the main focus of the beer is the hops taste, and the supporting character it the the earthy undertones.

This is honestly not a bad beer. I had a nice time enjoying it, but it is not one that I would pick up again. It just doesn’t fit well with my pallet. I would say that If you do see a can on the shelf of your local bottle shop (or wherever beer is available for you), give it a try. I don’t think you will be disappointed. But let me know what you think in the comments.

Remember to drink responsibly

Exhibit A Brewing Company -

ゆずふわIPA (Yuzufuwa IPA)

ゆずふわIPA (Yuzufuwa IPA)

