ゆずふわIPA (Yuzufuwa IPA)

ゆずふわIPA (Yuzufuwa IPA)


ALC 6.5%

I found this drink was looking in a supermarket so it’s not the usual craft beers I review, but I like the sound of the fruit hazy style, and I am not one to discriminate against a beer. So this week, I am reviewing ゆずふわ (Yuzufuwa) IPD by Limited Brewing.

When I first look at the colour of this drink, it’s like a flat dark yellow colour. I think the symptom of its flat colour is because it is very hazy. The drink is very opaque. I can try and put my hand on the other side, and you can’t see my hand at all. Now, when I first poured this beer, there were quite a lot of bubbles (which is to be expected), but now that it has calmed down, there is very little activity at all. Carbonation can make a drink more acidic, so I wonder if that will carry over or if the yuzu will make it acidic. If you don’t know what yuzu is, think of it as a less sour lemon that is common in Japan.


When I took a few good sniffs, I got the scent of yuzu (which would be obvious), then melon (which seems to be usual in the Japanese ol factoie pallet), and lastly, lychee which was defiantly not a smell I was expecting. When I took a sip, I got the acidic taste at the back of the pallet. There also is a slight Yuzu flavour at the tip of my tongue. I did hardly detect any sour notes as well. It is a little disappointing because I was wanting some of the Yuzu sour notes to come forward (actually, that changes the more it warms up, hitting the sides of the cheeks). The other taste I am getting is some bitterness at the back of the throat, with some sweetness mixed in, but also a generic beer taste which seems to be the most prominent taste. Don’t get me wrong, it’s sweeter beer then like than ales, but Hazy beers are usually more on the sweet side than their IPA side.

Overall this is a good beer, but there is nothing absolutely amazing about it. Though if you are looking for a slightly sweeter beer but not too sweet, then this might be the beer for you. It’s not too expensive (in Japan at least) and is quite easily accessible to find at a lot of supermarkets, but let me know what you think. Have you tried it before? Do you agree with what I have said? Let me know in the comment section below.

(Update: This beer has been discontinued)

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