Sapporo Lager 2020

Sapporo Lager 2020


ALC 5.0%

This is one of the last 2020 beers I have. So over the next 3 weeks we will say goodbye to 2020 by drinking the last 2020 branded beers that I have left. So here is the first one: Sapporo Lager 2020.


First off the colour is quite dark, but not too dark. It does not get to a golden ale darkness but just slightly darker then the usual beer colour that you see. I am surprised by the amount of carbonation in this beer. It’s actually quite high. Small bubbles and some large bubble appear in this beer. Probably the most carbonation I have seen behind Asahi.

When I go to smell this beer I am not getting any interesting smells. It smells like a normal beer. When I first took a sip of the beer I got a bit of a watery taste. There is nothing wrong with a watery taste but I was not expecting it. I do get some sweetness that hits the back of my throat, but it is mixed with a little bitterness to not make this a sweet beer. There is a little bit of a wheat flavour that come through too. There is nothing bad about this beer but there is nothing good too. It’s just your average beer from a macro brewery.

My finial thoughts about this beer is that I don’t think this was a special 2020 beer. I think this was a normal Sapporo larger. I don’t think there is nothing wrong with that, I just wonder why 2020 was put on the can. I could not find a reason why in my research. It’s your average beer, its a nice beer to just grab. I would say check it out for yourself but we are not in 2020 anymore so you can’t find it anymore. Tell me what you think. Was this a special beer or just a normal Sapporo beer? let me know in the comment section down below.

Remember to drink responsibly

The Premium Malt’s 2020 秋〈番るつ〉エール

The Premium Malt’s 2020 秋〈番るつ〉エール

Milk chocolate Ale

Milk chocolate Ale