Doppo Weizen - white beer

Doppo Weizen - white beer


ALC 5.0%

I was going to review another beer this week but last week was my birthday and I got 2 beers to review, so I am jumping ahead and doing the two beers I got for my birthday. To donna and Steven if you’re are reading this “thank you”! with that said this week I am reviewing Doppo Weizen - white beer by Miyashita Sake Brewery

When I look at this beer it is a very light colour. It’s a mix between a pale yellow and gold colour. Personally, I prefer the darker colours but with this being a white beer I should not be surprised. When I look at this beer there is actually quite a lot of carbonation, not large bubbles but there are a lot of them. I was not actually expecting that amount of carbonation.


When I take a smell I am getting the strange smell of banana. I didn’t believe myself at first and had to go for another sniff, but there is doubt that I could smell banana. I even had a housemate smell for it. when I taste the beer I am getting some sweetness coming through with a very slight hops taste. It’s almost juicy for me. The sweetness does hit the side of my tongue and my soft pallet but not anywhere else. I am also getting a minuscule amount of sourness that hits the side of my cheeks too, and a tiny bit of bitterness that hits the back of my throat. Nothing that distracts from the whole taste though.

Overall this a nice, sweet, “but not too sweet” beer and would not hesitate to grab this beer again. From the weird banana smell to the taste, I feel this is a good beer. Well, I want to know what you think. Have you tried this beer? am I right or am I wrong? let me know in the comments section.

Remember to drink responsibly

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