Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale


ALC 5.6%

I remember getting this as a Christmas present from a friend. She had somehow found out that I was doing beer reviews and bought a can of beer to review. So thanks, Tomoe. this week I am reviewing Sierra Nevada Pale Ale


First things first, when I poured this beer, there were a lot of bubbles. Even now, when it has settled down, there are still quite a lot of bubbles. I would have to say that they do match “Asahi Super Dry”. Also, I am surprised at the deep golden / almost orange colour. I am used to pale ales being well pale in colour. I would almost classify this as a golden ale just from the colour alone.

When I take a smell of the beer, I get a pleasantly sweet but hoppy smell. I actually quite like the smell of this beer. When I took my first sip, the thing that lingered with me the most is the aftertaste. It’s like a bitterness that hits the back of the throat and stays there. I must confess that I have had this beer years ago, and that’s what I could remember about it. There is a light sweetness in this beer, but it is also quite hoppy. And an ever so slight watery flavour. But the most pronounced thing is that aftertaste.

It was years ago that I had this beer. So I wanted to “really” give it a chance, but unfortunately, the aftertaste is too much for me. I know this is quite a popular beer, and I can see why some people might like it. As for me, I would say give it one try but don’t be surprised if you don’t like the taste. What do you think? Am I crazy for not enjoying this beer? Tell me what you think.

Remember to drink responsibly

Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. website:

Doppo Weizen - white beer

Doppo Weizen - white beer

