


ALC 4.7%

I can’t remember where I found this, but it has been years since I tried this beer when I used to live in Australia. If I remember correctly, it might have been Shin-Okubo. Wherever I bought this beer, I will review Tsingtao by Tsingtao brewery co.

First off, this beer has a light golden colour to it. It’s interesting because in some light it is quite bright in colour and in other lights it looks a bit darker. There is hardly any carbonation with this drink. Like there are a couple of bubbles but not that many. So, if you are a lover of low carbonated beer, this would be a beer for you.


When I take a smell of the beer, it has a very generic beer smell, but I actually quite like that smell. When I have my first few sips, the thing that hits me the most is the acidity of the drink. I can definitely feel it move across my tongue; it’s like a light spice. As I drink more, I can feel my cheeks slightly pucker. It’s not too bitter, which I was a little surprised about. There was a very slight sweetness that comes through.

This beer is not too bad, I did not have high hopes for this, but I was pleasantly surprised. I feel with how light this beer is. Is that? It could be a summer beer, light enough to be refreshing. What do you think about this beer? Do you agree with me, or do you think I am wrong? Let me know what you think. 

Remember to drink responsibly.

Tsingtao’s Website: https://www.tsingtao.com

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