The day Innovation red larger

The day Innovation red larger


ALC 5.5%


I found this beer at my local supermarket. I like the design of this beer can, so I decided to pick it up. this week I am reviewing: The day Innovation red larger by Baeren beer

When I have a look at this beer, the colour is almost brown. I was surprised when I saw it. I was expecting a more red colour. It is also is quite transparent. When I tried to look for carbonation, I could not see any at all. like absolutely none

When I try to smell the beer, I can smell nothing. When I tasted the beer, I found quite a bit of bitterness that hits the back of my throat. There is a little bit of watery sweetness that hist ti tip of my tongue. However, there is not a lot of an interesting flavour to this beer.

Overall, this is an "only ok" beer. With this red larger, the most I can taste is its bitterness. If you like bitter beer, then this is a beer for you. I know this is a short entry, but it really is an uninteresting beer. But what do you think? Am I right or wrong with my review?

Remember to drink responsibly.



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