Sakura Beer 2020

Sakura Beer 2020


ALC 5.0%

So I have had this beer in my fridge for a long time. I got this beer when the sakura season was in full bloom (March 18 - April 1st). Which makes sense as this is a season beer but now it is many months since the sakura season so this beer is not being sold anymore. So what’s a better time then now to do a review on Sapporo’s Sakura beer 2020.

Let look at the appearance. When I first poured this beer there was actually quite a lot of carbonation, which actually surprised me (it makes it easy to get a lot of head). There is more than the average beer. The colour is this really nice too. It’s this really pleasant transparent golden colour. It is not a deep golden colour but it is not also not a light or bright colour too. 


When it come to taste, I am getting some earthy and some watery notes. I am surprised at the lack of floral notes in this is a beer, as it is made specifically for the sakura season. There is absolutely no bitterness in this beer. Nothing that even hits the back of the throat. this makes it a smooth drink. There is a little sweetness that I can taste though. It mainly hits the very side of my tongue and my cheeks.

This beer is a nice beer to drink. It is very smooth and there is nothing offensive about this beer. Though this is nothing that makes this beer jump out at you and I feel that I want that from a seasonal beer. I feel that this beer is a beer that will come and go and will not be talked about in the future. Which I do find a bit sad, but there have been worse thing that have happen in 2020 then a seasonal beer that is just “good”.

Remember to drink responsibly

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